Go Boom!

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Go Boom is an excellent game for the younger children who are just learning to play card games. It only requires the ability to match cards. Go Boom also known as Dig only requires players to be able to match suits to play. If children already know how to match numbers a brief explanation of suits may be needed.

What You'll Need

  • Standard deck of 52 cards
  • 2 two 7 players
  • Table or other flat surface with enough seating for all players

Setting Up the Game

The dealer shuffles the cards and deals seven of them, face down to each player. The remaining cards are placed in a face down stack in the center within reach of all players.

Players each arrange their cards in order from highest to lowest regardless of suit. In this game Aces are high.

Object of the Game

The object of the game is to be the first player to get rid of all their cards.

Playing Go Boom

The player to the left of the dealer goes first placing any card from their hand face up right next to the face down stack in the center. The next player then lays down a card matching the previous players card in either rank or suit. If they are unable to make a match of suit or rank they must draw cards from the face down stack until they draw one that matches. If all the cards from the face down stack are gone the player must pass play onto the next player.

Once each player has had a turn the round is over.

Once the round is over the dealer clears all the face up cards from the center and places them off to the side. The player who played the highest card in the previous round starts the next round by placing a card face up in the center next to the face down pile. In the event of a tie the player who first played the highest card starts the next round.

Play continues round after round until one player is out of cards. As that player tosses their last card on the face up pile they announce "Boom!" signaling the end of the game.

Be aware that as players get caught up in the excitement of the game and the realization that they have been beat they may have a tendency to toss their cards in an explosive manner upon hearing "Boom!".

Card Games

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